Our school is not affiliated with any church, denomination, or other outside governing body. We have the freedom to determine what constitutes an excellent education for our children and accept the responsibility for providing it.
Our teaching focuses on Biblical principles and the doctrines essential for salvation, not on denominational beliefs. We choose to embrace each other with grace in the areas of interdenominational differences.
Parents are essential for the school to function. While the administration is responsible for the day-to-day functioning of the school, the Board of Directors and all working committees are composed of parents and other interested persons. Matters concerning budget, curriculum and policy are taken before the parent body for approval.
Biblically Driven &
Christ Centered
The Bible, which we recognize as the inerrant, infallible Word of God is the foundation of our existence and all that we do. We are committed to keeping Christ foremost in every aspect of our school and to operating Crosspoint according to Biblical principles.
Partner with
Families & Churches
We exist to serve and assist families and churches in their God-ordained roles to train and nurture children who will follow and serve the Lord all their days.
Each Student
We believe God creates each person in His image; thus, each of our students is valuable. We encourage each student to develop Godly character and to follow God's call for their life. We realize that our role is to plant seeds, to water, and to love each child where they are. It is God's role to complete them in His image.
Promote Academic Excellence
Through skilled and God-called teachers who have a passion for their subject and imparting knowledge, our students receive a quality academic program. This program prepares them to think critically and creatively and to reason biblically as they follow God's call for their life. Our program strives to teach the whole child - mind, body, and spirit through Scripture, academics, athletics, and fine arts.
We are privately funded and thus are not controlled by government decisions or programs.
Our school is not affiliatied with any church , denomination, or other outside governing body. We have the freedom to determine what constitutes an excellent education for our children and accept the responsibility for providing it.
Inter denominational
Our teaching focuses on Biblical principles and the doctrines essential for salvation, not on denominational beliefs. We choose to embrace each other with grace in the areas of interdenominational differences.
Parent Run
While the administration and staff are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the school, the Board of Directors and all working committees, which are essential for the school to function, are composed of parents and other association members.