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Administrator's Perspective

Ten “C’s” Crosspoint


  1. Communication –  Communication is the first step in keeping everyone in the CCS community moving forward in unity with a common goal for a common purpose.

  2. Committed Service Groups – For a fully functional parent-run school, well-tuned, well-focused committees are a necessary and vital component. All of our committees are meeting on a regular basis and helping CCS move forward with a common goal for a common purpose.

  3. Character –  Since the beginning of my tenure, “It’s a Heart Thing” has been my motto with our students. Inappropriate or sinful behavior is a symptom of a heart not in the right place. Paul instructs the Church of Ephesus to walk according to their calling in Christ Jesus. The body of CCS has the same calling.

  4. Curriculum – The Curriculum Committee has begun the process of setting into motion a well-planned scope and sequence that allows CCS to make sure that all necessary curriculum is covered throughout the school career of every CCS student. This plan will also set into motion the review process for all curricular areas over a 6-year cycle.

  5. Community – My goal is to reach out to the churches in the area to schedule times to visit their services and let them know about the vision of CCS in the community. The Development Committee is already hard at work reaching out through involvement in parades and other community activities.

  6. Capital Campaign – The Development Committee has also been hard at work building relationships with individuals in our area connected to the CCS family. This networking allows us to rally the CCS community around the Capital Campaign through prayer, activities, and fund-raising.

  7. Commitment – The CCS Administration, Board, and staff are committed to providing a quality academic, spiritual, and social-emotional environment for all CCS students. By meeting this goal CCS will allow each and every CCS student the best opportunity for success.

  8. Confidence – As each of the ten “C’s” are provided and lived out in the CCS community, we will see the confidence in the product provided grow exponentially. This confidence will lead to more opportunities for CCS to let the light of Jesus shine through us onto this community.

  9. Certification – A long-range goal is ACSI Certification. Many of the components for certification are included in this list of ten “C’s”.  As CCS carries out the items on this list we will be essentially putting ourselves in a better position to apply and complete the certification process.

  10. Christ-like – Above all, CCS has been called to be the salt and light of this community and the world. If we love God with all of our heart, soul, and mind and love each other as Christ loves the church, we will certainly be taking the most important step in fulfilling the calling of CCS in the surrounding area!

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